Sunday, May 10, 2009

In the beginning...

AHH! My first blog ever! I suppose I should be the first to say WELCOME! I feel so cool. I decided to get a blog set up for two main reasons- 1. So that I can have an easy-access account for those who want to stay updated on my trip to Guatemala, and 2. because everybody else is doing it. I suppose I'll give a quick rundown on my life and the oh-so-exciting parts it entails.

First, school. I am starting my junior year at USU this upcoming fall. After a lot of sleepless nights and weeks (more like years) of worrying, I decided to major in Communicative Disorders, Speech Language Pathology emphasis. I previously was a Speech Communication major (pretty much just applied interpersonal and public speech), but decided to run with something with a little/a lot more science. Plus, I really wanted to find something with a solid future. I still am toying with the idea of getting a minor in Speech Comm, but something tells me that's not going to happen. I graduate in Spring of 2011, or two years from now. From that point I've got to get my Masters degree... although I have no idea where yet. Maybe the U? They have a really sound program. Of course, USU's program is top notch, so I could always stay here.

Second, this summer! For the first couple of weeks of the summer I will stay at home with my dear old momsy and popsicle while I continue on my quest to become rich by working at Six Star. Come the first week of June I will be an EFY counseler here at USU, which I am thrilled about. I can't wait to share the gospel and my testimony with all the youngins. Nothing like changing lives to start the summer :). June 6th is John and Loni's wedding, and then June 10th I head off to Guatemala! I was originally going to be gone from May 6th to Aug 20th, but John and Loni are just too darn cute to miss getting married. I was actually pretty sad to cut my trip a month shorter than originally planned, but now I'm quite happy about it all. I had a lot more things to take care of before I left than what I thought. Plus, the extra months salary helps a lot for next fall's expenses. I'll be gone in Guatemala from June 10-Aug 20, roughly 2 1/2 months. I'm so excited to get the show on the road! So far, my plans are to get heavily envolved with four things- orphanage work, afterschool programs, teaching english, and adobe stove building- pretty much anything to do with children and their development. I have a feeling sticking with this type of work will do wonders for my resume :).

On that note, I had an interesting conversation with a lady at Six Star the other day. She has a program that works with handicapped orphans in Russia, and has an opening for an internship next year to travel to Russia. She said everything would be covered except for in country living expenses, but I'd get monthly compensation to cover a lot of that. I got her information and vise versa, so we'll see what happens there. Also, I'm still toying with the idea of looking into the ILP program to teach English in Asia. Not to mention a mission. There's just so much out there!

Other than that, I still have a job, still love my family and friends, and am still single. I love my religion and the strength I get, and can't wait to make a difference in the world one step at a time! Hopefully I'll get a camera so I can get some pictures up here too... until next time!

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