Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Move

Buenos Tarde y'all! I know it wasn´t that long ago since I last updated my life here, but there is just so much going on I couldn´t resist writing again (which is a huge change from last time, funny how that all works)! This weekend, we moved towns! Here's what happened. Around Thursday night we had a surprise meeting at about 9 pm, where we were told that Saturday we would be moving to a new town 30-45 minutes away from where we currently live. And that´s that! We all packed up Friday, and were out at 5 am the next morning! Crazy eh? Its all just for safety precautions, we don´t feel very comfortable being in the same spot for more than a couple of months. So now we get to commute every morning (barf!), but the town we live in now is absolutely adorable! The people are a little more used to us gringos so there are a lot less cat calls which is SO refreshing, and the community is great and welcoming. And then there is our house. Oh our house! It is so cute! We honestly live in the lap of luxury compared to the crap shack we lived in before. This new place has a stove, microwave, AND a fridge!! I'm telling you, its nice. Also, I upgrated from a bunk bed to a single, which is heavenly. All in all, I'm feeling quite good about the move.

Today was a really good day. We went to church to the local ward/branch (not sure which it is), and the people practically begged us after to hold english classes and build adobe stoves with them. It was a real treat to be asked for help rather than us doing the asking. We also found an empty field close by that we would like to change into a soccer field. Oh the possibilities are endless! Its going to be interesting over the next while, seeing as how we are going down from 18 volunteers to 11. We'll have our hands full to say the least!

Really though, I know I say this a lot, but I truly love it here. Every day as I walk around I think to myself "I am in the most beautiful place in the world!" I love the people, I love the friends I've made, I love the relationship I've grown with my god, and I love the new understanding and perspective on life I've gained. I had no idea I was going to grow this much being here, but I have. I am continually learning about the concept of love, and how this church is the gospel of love, truth, and the only way to true joy. I never comprehended the love that God has for his children until I came here, and I know that I still have a lot to learn. I feel his love on a daily basis, and its overwhelming (in a good way). I'm understanding my potential and purpose, and am coming closer to the "true me". Man this is great! Anyway, thanks again for the prayers and support, this is a great work! And I'll get pics up soon, don´t worry :)

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