Guess what!? I finally can put some pictures up! This is quite the day. I guess first I´ll give some updates for this week. Monday and Wednesday was the usual GCP, Madre Hogar, and Sara Alto work with the kids, which I love more and more everyday! Tuesday marked my official first day sick, where I woke up feeling horribly sick and spent the majority of the day in the bathroom if you know what I mean. Luckily it was only a one day thing, so Wednesday I went straight back to work. Thursday involved more GCP and a lot of planning meetings and paperwork, but it was a good day none the less. Let me see... Anything else? We had one member of our team leave this week, so Monday night we had a huge farewell dinner party at a good friends house (Lencho! He rocks!). So now instead of the usual 19 people in our 5 bedroom house, we have 18. Its quite the fit!
As for me, things are going much smoother. I´m officially LOVING Guatemala! I love the people, the food, the sights, and even the horrible smells. Its growing on me to say the least. I feel like I am connecting to both my God and my spirit more than ever, and am excited to impliment the lessons I´ve learned into every day life. Anyway, enjoy the pics!
These are the kids from the Enlgish class we teach out at Sara Alto. Cute eh?
This is a picture of us working on site building Adobe Stoves. I´d like to make note of the height difference between me and the people in front of me. We are all standing, ever single one of us.
On the way to one of our Vacation spots, they shoved all of us standing into the back of a pickup truck for about 1/2 hour on bumpy, dirt roads. Travel Guatemalan style!
Oh yes, our hike to Pakaya. This part was the ugly ¨mines of Moria¨part, but the rest was GORGEOUS! At the top was live, flowing lava.
Lets not forget our trip to Tikal! Beautful!
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